Creatie Community Service Agreement

Creatie Community Service Agreement

Effective from: May 21st, 2024

Welcome to the Creatie Community

The Creatie Community (the "Community") is owned and operated by INTERACTIVE LINK PTE. LTD.

In order to better provide services/resources to users (hereinafter referred to as “you” or “your”), INTERACTIVE LINK PTE. LTD. (hereinafter referred to as “we”, “us”, or “our”) provides this Community Service Agreement (hereinafter referred to as the “Agreement”). By using the services/resources provided by this Community, You must carefully read and agree to be bound by all the terms and conditions of this Agreement. This Agreement does not have to be signed to be binding. This Agreement is a legal agreement between us and you, and the general terms and conditions you should comply with when using our services/resources of the Community. By checking the box to accept this Agreement, you are deemed to acknowledge and agree to all of the contents of this Agreement, and this Agreement is legally binding on both parties. If you have not reviewed/agreed to the contents of this Agreement, please do not upload/publish any content (including but not limited to text, images, icons, design products, design resources, audio and video recordings, computer programs, etc.); if you take the initiative to upload/publish the content on your own, it shall be deemed that you accept and agree to abide by the contents of this Agreement.

For terms that significantly impact you, we use bold or underline text to reasonably remind you to pay attention. You should pay particular attention to these highlighted terms, including, but not limited to, copyright statements, limitation of liability clauses, jurisdiction and applicable law. If you do not agree with any of the terms of this Agreement, you should immediately stop using the services/resources of this Community. If you continue to use them, you shall be deemed to have accepted and agreed to all of the terms of this Agreement.

If you have any questions about the terms and contents of this Agreement, you may consult us by sending an email to before agreeing to this Agreement or using the services/resources of this Community. We strongly recommend that you do not accept this Agreement or use the Community services/resources until you have done so.

This Agreement may be modified from time to time, at our sole discretion, in accordance with legal requirements, service upgrades, technical improvements, changes in business models, etc. You acknowledge and agree that, in the absence of legal or regulatory requirements, our modifications will not diminish your existing rights without your consent, but we have the right to unilaterally modify this Agreement. We will notify you of changes to the terms of the Agreement by [notification/popup/pinned message] or other noticeable means. Please be sure to review the adjusted/updated content at that time; you may also review the Agreement periodically on your own. If you do not agree with the latest changes/updates, you should immediately stop using the services/resources of this Community. Otherwise, you will be deemed to have accepted the amended terms of this Agreement.

You acknowledge that the terms set forth in this Agreement do not fully enumerate or cover all of the rights and obligations between you and us, and that existing agreements may not fully address future development needs. Therefore, the legal statements and various policies of this Community (including but not limited to, Service Agreement, User Standards, Privacy Policy, Copyright Notice, etc.) (hereinafter, as the “Supplemental Agreements”) constitute supplemental agreements to this Agreement, which are inseparable from and have the same legal force and effect as this Agreement. These Supplemental Agreements also contain content that is closely related to your rights and interests. If you use the services/resources of this Community, it is deemed that you agree to all above Supplemental Agreements.

You should be fully aware that in order to use the services/resources of this Community, you must be an individual with full civil capacity (a natural person capable of engaging in any civil activity through his or her independent actions, who is at least 16 years of age and of sound mind) and, if you are using the services/resources on behalf of a company (legal entity) or unincorporated organization, you must have sufficient, valid and complete authority. If you are not eligible, under the age of 16, or a person with limited civil capacity, please do not agree to this Agreement or use the services/resources of this Community, otherwise we reserve the right to terminate the provision of the services/resources of the Community to you at any time and to remove/delete any content you have uploaded. If we suffer any loss as a result, we reserve the right to seek compensation from your legal guardian.

  1. Creator Norms

  1. To use the services of this Community, you must be a registered user of our Creatie product (“Creatie”). Non-registered Creatie users may only browse Community content and will not be supported to use any services or resources. 

  2. You understand and agree that no matter how you access the Community (including but not limited to the product’s official website, workspace, social groups, etc.), if you intend to use the services/resources of this Community, you must first complete the user registration for Creatie.

  3. You only have the right to use the services/resources of this community. You shall not gift, lend, rent, transfer or sell such rights of use without our permission.

  4. You understand and agree that any loss or damage resulting from any activity/behavior you engage in within this Community is your sole responsibility and the Community assumes no liability for your personal actions. If your actions give rise to third party claims, we will be obligated to provide your account information (such as contact information) to the third party claimant without your prior consent.

  5. You understand and agree that you shall at all times comply with this Agreement, Creatie’s applicable Supplemental Agreements (available here), and applicable laws and regulations.

  6. You understand and agree that you are fully responsible for all content that you post, upload and distribute, including any associated with your account. You may not, and may not permit a third party to post, upload or distribute, any information on any page of this Community that contains, by way of mere example, any of the following:

(1) Information that endangers national security, leaks state secrets, or subverts state power;

(2) Information that damages the honor and interests of the nation;

(3) Information that incites or promotes discrimination;

(4) Information that undermines the religious policies or promotes cults and feudal superstitions; 

(5) Information that spreads rumors, disturbs social order, or undermines social stability;

(6) Information that spreads obscenity, pornography, gambling, violence, murder, terror, or abets criminal activity;

(7) Information that insults or defames others, or infringes on the legitimate rights of others;

(8) Information that is fraudulent, false, misleading, or deceptive;

(9) Information containing other content prohibited by laws, administrative regulations, and policies;

(10) Information that violates any of the rules and policies of the Community, and that the Community considers detrimental to the community ecosystem or potentially damaging to the Community.

  1. You understand and promise that,all content that you post, publish or upload to this Community, including but not limited to, text, images, designs, audio and video recordings, and computer programs, complies with the “Intellectual Property Policy”, and that you have full intellectual property rights or have obtained lawful permission from the relevant rights holders. If your actions result in a claim by a third party against this Community, you shall fully indemnify and hold harmless the Community for all expenses and liabilities incurred (including, but not limited to, various indemnification fees, attorneys' fees, and other reasonable expenses).

  2. If a third party believes that the content you have posted or uploaded to this Community infringes their legitimate rights or sends us a legal notice pursuant to the applicable laws and regulations. You agree that we are entitled to decide, in our sole discretion, taking into account the evidence provided in the notice, to remove the allegedly infringing content, and that we will not automatically restore the deleted information unless you provide us with written evidence that the possibility of infringement has been ruled out.

  3. You understand and agree that in using the services/resources of this Community, you shall not, and shall not encourage or assist third parties to:

(1) use Community services/resources for illegal purposes;

(2) violate any agreements, rules, and procedures related to the Community services/resources;

(3) use the Community services/resources to engage in any activity that may adversely affect the normal operation of the Internet;

(4) use the Community services/resources to engage in any activity that is detrimental to our products/community;

(5) circumvent or disable any security or other technological features or measures of the Community;

(6) upload, post, or publish to the Community anything that: (i) interferes with, disrupts, damages, harms, or accesses in an unauthorized manner the machines, hardware, devices, servers, networks, data, or other properties or services of any third party including, but not limited to, users of or any network operator of the Community; or (ii) creates a spammy user experience, including, without limitation, by posting repetitive content or misleading information;

(7) upload, post, or publish to the Community or use the Community to transmit or store any software viruses, Trojan horses, worms, or other destructive program or code.

  1. Upon becoming aware of any actual or potential breach of the Agreement, we reserve the following right, at our sole discretion and without prior notice:

(1) Requiring you to correct or immediately take all necessary actions (including, but not limited to, deleting the content you uploaded, suspending or terminating your right to use the services/resources of this Community) to mitigate the effects caused by your inappropriate behavior.

(2) Immediate removal of any content that violates this Agreement;

(3) Disabling your access to services or resources on this Community;

(4) Taking any other actions stipulated by Creatie's applicable terms and policies.

  1. The services/resources provided by this Community include both free and potentially fee-based services/resources in the future. If you use paid services/resources (if any), you must pay the appropriate fees to this Community. For chargeable services/resources, this Community will provide clear notice before you use them, and only if you confirm and voluntarily/actively pay the applicable fees in accordance with the notice will you be able to use such chargeable services/resources.

  2. This Community only provides relevant services/resources; all other equipment related to the services/resources (such as computers, cell phones, and other devices related to accessing the Internet or mobile networks) and necessary costs (such as telephone and Internet charges for accessing the Internet or cell phone charges for using mobile networks) are your responsibility.

  1. Copyright Statement

  1. You understand and agree that the Community (including, but not limited to us and all users of the Community) shall have a perpetual, irrevocable, free, and non-exclusive right to use (including for commercial purposes) and sublicense any content/resource published and uploaded by you to the Community throughout the world, without limitation as to form or medium, including, but not limited to, the right to modify, reproduce, distribute, display, adapt, compile, publish, translate, disseminate through information networks, broadcast, perform and create derivative works, and other rights as determined by applicable laws and regulations related to copyright and other aspects. This clause prevail over the Supplemental Agreements to the extent of the conflict or inconsistency.

  2. You understand and agree that upon posting, uploading or publishing any content/resources to the Community, you are deemed to have granted the Community (including, but not limited to us and all users of the Community) licenses as stipulated in Section II 1.

  3. The copyrights (if any) to the Community's unique logo, layout and organization belong exclusively to the Community and may not be copied or reproduced without our permission. All content post, uploaded or published to the Community represents only your own/the content owner's personal stance and viewpoints and has nothing to do with us, and you shall bear all legal responsibility thereof.

  4. If you reproduce the content/resources of this Community in bad faith, we reserve the right to take legal action and seek compensation or other remedies from the infringer.

  1. Disclaimer of Liability

  1. You understand and agree that your use of the Community services/resources is at your own risk and that we shall not be liable for any consequences thereof.

  2. The Community does not guarantee that the services/resources will meet all your requirements, nor does it guarantee the timeliness, completeness or accuracy of the services/resources.

  3. The Community does not guarantee the accuracy and completeness of external links provided for your convenience; at the same time, the Community does not assume any responsibility or liability for the content of any web page referred to by such external links that is not under the actual control of the Community, and you must determine the authenticity and reliability of such content on your own.

  4. In the event of force majeure (including but not limited to natural disasters, policy changes, network adjustments and other unforeseen and unpredictable circumstances) or causes beyond the control of the Community, the Community assumes no responsibility for the interruption of services/resources or other defects, but will endeavor to minimize the resulting loss and impact on you. 

  5. We shall not be liable for any defects in the quality of the following services or resources provided by the Community to you per se and any losses resulting there from:

(1) The services/resources provided to you by the Community free of charge;

(2) Any services/resources gifted to you by the Community;

(3) Various services/resources associated with the paid services/resources provided to you by the Community.

  1. The Community reserves the right to modify or discontinue, temporarily or permanently, the Community Services/Resources (or any part thereof) at any time without notice to you. The Community shall have no liability to you or any third party.

  1. Bylaws

  1. The laws of the Singapore shall govern the execution, performance, interpretation and dispute resolution of this Agreement.

  2. All disputes arising from your use of the services/resources of the Community and related to this Agreement shall be resolved by negotiation between us and you. If the dispute are not handled by negotiation, it shall be referred to and finally resolved by arbitration administered by the Singapore International Arbitration Centre (“SIAC”) in accordance with the Arbitration Rules of the Singapore International Arbitration Centre (“SIAC Rules”) for the time being in force, which rules are deemed to be incorporated by reference in this clause. The seat of the arbitration shall be Singapore.

  3. If any provision of this Agreement is found to be invalid or unenforceable, in whole or in part, for any reason, the remaining provisions of this Agreement shall remain valid and binding.

  4. The right to interpret and amend this Agreement is reserved to INTERACTIVE LINK PTE. LTD. Limited and its affiliates.

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