
Be the first to explore new Creatie product updates and releases!

Be the first to explore new Creatie product updates and releases!

Sep 3, 2024

Sep 3, 2024

Release note September 3, 2024

What’s New:

  • Launched the Pricing page on Creatie website

What’s Improved:

  • Enhanced onboarding interactions

  • Improved logic for re-publishing community resources, allowing users to view and use previous versions

  • Added Mobile Apps and Websites categories to the Community section

  • Optimized layout and font size of the Community homepage

  • Improved redirection logic for sharing community resource detail pages to social media

  • Enhanced messaging in the file permission request dialog (disabled URL input)

  • Refined design inspiration filling rules

  • Improved categorization and display order of the question mark menu for clearer readability

  • Default support for drag-and-drop elements into nested containers from the left resource panel, with Command/Win key support to cancel penetration addition

  • Shapes and container layers can now independently display shadow effects when unfilled

  • Support for automatic line breaks for minor languages like Arabic based on complete words

  • Introduced fallback font for "Sinhala script" to ensure proper display of unsupported characters

  • The right panel in development mode now supports copying layer names

  • Development mode now supports displaying Less and Sass variables

  • Added text layout functionality in iOS and Android modules within development mode, allowing viewing of font and weight information

  • New layer selection feature in the right-click menu of development mode for quick selection of overlapping layers

What’s Fixed:

  • Resolved cross-origin issues causing insertion failures after image enhancement generation

  • Fixed the issue with application suggestions in the inspection panel not functioning

  • Corrected search guidance tips in the inspiration box that did not adjust after resizing

  • Fixed incorrect content display when copying CSS code from the right-click menu

  • Resolved blank display issue of component list names after updates

  • Fixed blank display issue in the component area when navigating back to the source component after updates

  • Corrected layer visibility issues after Boolean operations

  • Resolved text display issues after setting file cover

  • Fixed intermittent editing issues with text and resolved text overflow problems due to abnormal space display

Aug 22, 2024

Aug 22, 2024

Release note August 22, 2024

What’s New:
  • The Creatie for Slack App is now live.

  • An Automatic Style Guide landing page has been added to the Creatie website.

What’s Improved:
  • The Help Center's categorization structure has been enhanced.

  • The width of dropdown elements has been improved.

  • The team member management popup UI has been updated; the "Invite to Team" button is now always visible.

  • Input interaction for design inspiration has been improved with reminders to click the search button or press Enter after the first input.

  • A notification has been added during the design image recognition process in the design inspiration feature.

What’s Fixed:
  • Fixed an issue where the oversized reminder label did not resize with the design inspiration selection box.

  • Resolved a bug that prevented accented letters from switching to uppercase.

  • Corrected the issue with visible edge lines in the outer shadow effect.

Jul 31, 2024

Jul 31, 2024

Release note July 31, 2024

What’s New:
  • Login optimization: Added Twitter login integration.

  • Community resource publishing: Introduced a new entry point for publishing high-quality resources to the community.

  • Smart layout baseline alignment: Introduced baseline alignment for text, allowing easy alignment of text of varying sizes and icon buttons, enhancing design precision and aesthetics.

What’s Improved:
  • File sharing UI: Enhanced user interface for file sharing.

  • Mobile settings UI: Improved the UI for personal settings on mobile devices.

  • Community profile pagination: Optimized pagination logic for Resources on community profiles.

  • Become a contributor: Added a "Become a Creatie Contributor" entry on the community homepage.

  • Resource publish popup: Added an option to "Opt-in for training AI models" in the resource publishing popup.

  • Panel structure: Optimized the hierarchy of the left panel by merging "Components" under "Resources" and relocating the team library entry.

  • Local style list: The local style list now supports collapsing and allows full expansion or collapse by holding the Option key.

  • Right panel layout: Improved layout of the right panel when no layers are selected, making covers more intuitive and color tags easier to use.

What’s Fixed:
  • Resolved an issue preventing the deletion of component properties.

  • Fixed missing fonts and text numbering after importing Figma files.

  • Corrected the issue where full-width and half-width effects in advanced text settings were not functioning.

Jul 18, 2024

Jul 18, 2024

Release note July 18, 2024

What’s New
  • Added cross-page interactions, allowing links between design drafts on different pages within the same file.

What’s Improved
  • Enhanced generation effect of design inspiration in dark mode.

  • Improved interaction experience of User Guides in development mode.

  • Optimized file canvas loading experience with added skeleton screen animations.

  • Added loading prompts when switching between historical versions.

What’s Fixed
  • Resolved image enhancement failure in certain scenarios when using the original image for masking.

  • Fixed failed imports of Sketch files.

  • Resolved missing hidden components after undoing and redoing cross-file pasted components.

  • Fixed issue where dragging rectangle layers caused other layers in the same container to move unexpectedly.

  • Resolved failure in page switching within design files.

Jul 9, 2024

Jul 9, 2024

Release note July 9, 2024

What's New:
  • Added new LinkedIn authorization login

  • Updated issue reporting & feature request through the ticket system

  • Support for rich text formatting in community resource publishing popups

  • Ability to pull out reference lines in the ruler area when editing/selecting layers, while maintaining the current layer's edit/selection state

What's Improved:
  • Optimized community search matching logic for more accurate results

  • Improved community page loading performance for faster response

  • Optimized the effect of generating design inspirations on dark-themed designs

  • Added layer name tooltip when hovering over layer icons in the layer list

What's Fixed:
  • Fixed the issue where clearing the search query did not display all community resources on the search results page

  • Fixed the issue with the resource preview progress bar style on the community resource details page

  • Fixed the issue with VUE2 framework code preview failure in the D2C code preview mode

  • Fixed the issue where pixel alignment was still displaying layer decimal points

  • Fixed the issue with incorrect layer tree icons after creating a layer duplicate

  • Fixed the issue with nested instances becoming unselectable after publishing

  • Fixed the inaccurate round corner stroke issue

  • Fixed the issue with partial state not switching when switching component attributes

Jun 27, 2024

Jun 27, 2024

Release note June 27, 2024

What’s Improved
  • Improved the generation effects of stroke and background colors.

  • Enhanced stroke and background color effects for dark mode designs.

  • Enhanced the UI and interactions of the community resource publishing pop-up window.

  • Improved the display of font weight in the personal description section of community creators' profiles.

  • In annotation mode, when selecting layers on the canvas, elements within the slicing are now ignored to prevent accidental selection of layers within the slice.

  • In annotation mode, editing permissions now allow direct selection of internal layers within containers without the need for multiple double-clicks.

  • When pasting text to another text layer, the list style of the target text layer can now be matched.

What’s Fixed:
  • Fixed issue with inactive community tab after closure.

  • Corrected content display in line layout.

  • Resolved text style reset after instance switch.

  • Fixed path stroke display in smart-layout.

  • Addressed blinking toast box when exporting oversized images.

Jun 18, 2024

Jun 18, 2024

Release note June 18, 2024

What’s new
  • Enabled users to generate content using their own styles with Creatie wizard

  • Enabled users to generate content using their own components with Creatie wizard

What’s improved
  • Optimized the notification settings text on the personal settings page

  • Introduced community message bell notifications

  • Optimized the design inspiration matching logic to better identify user intent and recommend more suitable inspiration content

  • Optimized the canvas zoom step for smoother zooming experience

  • Optimized the rendering speed when re-entering the canvas from a pinned tab

What’s fixed
  • Fixed the issue of missing text and layer content when copying content by holding the option key and dragging

  • Fixed the issue of text overflow configuration not syncing in preview mode

  • Fixed the issue of incorrect container jump link positioning

  • Fixed the issue of color panel flickering when selecting colors

  • Fixed the issue of the address bar link not changing when switching pages

  • Fixed the issue of path stroke not following the path when editing the path

  • Fixed the issue of SVG import failure

Jun 14, 2024

Jun 14, 2024

Release note June 14, 2024

What’s new
  • Released Creatie Community Resources for internal access, including publishing, listing, and duplicating.

  • Added Creatie Wizard and Wizzy page to the official website

What’s improved
  • Added 2D icon generation functionality to Magicon

  • Improved Creatie wizard matching logic to better recognize user intent and recommend relevant inspiration content

  • Optimized AI image enhancement & Magicon minimized window icon and copy optimization

  • Adjusted security in terms of Captcha validity period to 5 minutes & added Captcha verification limit

  • Optimized smart layout icon

What’s fixed
  • Fixed the issue of Jira/Slack authorization pages not being compatible with dark mode

  • After moving into the inspiration menu, the expected default cursor style became the select tool style of the canvas

May 29, 2024

May 29, 2024

Release note May 29, 2024

What’s new
  • Updated unsubscribe experiences

  • Released slot feature with limited user access

What’s improved
  • Optimized layers for exporting slices, allowing the option to show/hide fill colors.

  • Enhanced the automatic layout feature when a container is empty; it now automatically determines whether to add vertical or horizontal layout based on the container's aspect ratio.

  • Improved the inheritance rules for "Switch Component & Switch Instance" interactions.

  • Added scrollbars to the canvas for easy navigation.

  • Added support for individually deleting all horizontal/vertical guides within a canvas/container.

  • While renaming layers in the left panel, pressing the Tab key in rename mode will switch to the next layer level, facilitating quick modification of layer names.

  • Cancelled linear guides for Team and Project groups 

  • Optimized AI features in Guides, including overall functionality, basic feature guidance, and specific AI feature introductions.

  • Updated Playground files

  • Removed user rating modal for a few AI features.

  • Optimized the generation algorithm for Creatie wizard to more accurately recognize user prompts.

  • Improved the interaction experience for searching design components.

What’s fixed
  • Fixed the issue where the stroke style specifications could not be generated in the AI Panel.

  • Corrected the rule extraction error for generated color values in the AI Panel specifications.

  • Ensured compatibility in the Inspiration Panel in Creatie Wizard with the case sensitivity of tags.

  • Resolved the issue where the guided modal did not appear after resetting the onboarding.

  • Addressed the problem where interactions added by dragging in "Switch Component" in prototype mode were not effective during prototype preview.

  • Fixed the issue where dragging guides on the canvas sometimes triggered other layer interactions.

  • Rectified the problem where the outermost container did not display strokes in prototype preview after enabling clipping in nested containers.

  • Resolved the issue where keyword search did not work when switching instances.

  • Fixed discrepancies in the "Fit" setting during large screen previews compared to the original image.

  • Corrected inaccuracies in radial gradient effects after copying layer properties.

  • Addressed misalignment issues with text layers within instances.

  • Fixed file corruption when reopening files after uploading XD files.

  • Resolved the issue of PDF exports.

May 7, 2024

May 7, 2024

Release note May 7, 2024

What's new

  • Creatie for Slack app integration (Pending Review)

  • Email notification support for subscription by category

  • Addition of blog module to official website

  • Internal: Inspiration component management panel in Creatie AI

What’s improved

  • Remove default line height of 24px, restore to default automatic line height

  • Improve Creatie AI's inspiration box matching, provide more relevant inspiration components based on existing design content

  • Optimize Creatie AI's sorting order when matching user components in the inspiration box

  • Enhanced team library update prompts accessibility by enabling a direct switch to team library's update page

  • Improved plugin development to support automatic layout and line break capabilities

  • Refined the properties panel by optimizing spacing between component state names to prevent confusion

  • Streamlined the selection process for slice type layers, allowing direct selection by clicking on the layer area

  • Adjusted slice type layers in containers with automatic layout settings to default to absolute positioning for layout consistency

What’s fixed

  • Issue resolved: Ineffective click on official website client download URL

  • Font display issue fixed: Chinese characters appearing bolder when importing Figma files based on user feedback

  • Resolved color misalignment issue when dragging and rotating gradients between colors

  • Corrected vector shape deformation issue when changing shape, ensuring gradients remain unaffected

  • Addressed text misalignment during collaborative editing sessions

  • Fixed shadow display issue outside mask areas when applying shadows to elements within masks

Apr 16, 2024

Apr 16, 2024

Release note Apr 16, 2024

What’s new
  • Released Creatie desktop app and download page

  • Creatie for Jira app is live

  • Support opentype preview

What’s improved
  • Optimize AI feature by updating icons under the toolbar

  • Improve user interaction by updating the UI design of AI panels

  • Improve compatibility with development mode, prototype mode, and historical versions

  • Improve functionality for layer snapping and movement

  • Support dragging an instance from the component panel and insert into a smart-layout component

  • Search team library with both uppercase or lowercase letters

  • Improve user interaction by enabling the attribute panel dragging

  • Align the slicing function with layer dimensions

  • Include variable references in CSS utility classes

  • Enhanced the capitalization text settings by making it visible in annotation

What’s fixed
  • Fixed pasting text using cmd+shift+v in the top left corner of a rectangle

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The best product design tool for small teams

Powerful features, fair pricing

The best product design tool for small teams

Powerful features, fair pricing