“Teaming Up” with AI - Inspirations from GPT-4o and Multimodal LLMs

“Teaming Up” with AI - Inspirations from GPT-4o and Multimodal LLMs

May 23, 2024

Abo Lee

AI Product Manager, Creatie


On May 13th, OpenAI unveiled GPT-4o, a groundbreaking AI model that showcases the immense potential of multimodal interaction. In a captivating video demonstration, GPT-4o exhibited an astonishing ability to comprehend human expressions, interpret body language, and analyze video content in real-time. Even more remarkably, it engaged in conversation with an emotional voice and hummed songs, blurring the lines between artificial intelligence and human-like behavior.

The emergence of GPT-4o marks a significant milestone in the evolution of human-computer interaction and collaboration. It prompts us to reconsider the role of AI in various domains, particularly in the realm of design software. As we previously explored the evolving roles of designers in the era of artificial intelligence, we now also find ourselves at the cusp of a new paradigm for design software, where AI transforms from a mere tool to an active collaborator.

This article delves into the implications of multimodal AI and the possibilities it unlocks. We'll explore how this technological leap can revolutionize the way designers work, enhancing creativity, productivity. Join us as we embark on an exciting journey to imagine the future of AI-powered design.

Harnessing the Power of Multimodality

Traditionally, voice interactions in AI assistants like Siri or Cortana have relied on a two-step process: converting speech to text using Automatic Speech Recognition (ASR), and then transforming the AI-generated output back into speech using Text-to-Speech (TTS) technology. Speech recognition and language understanding are therefore relatively independent processes, often performed by separate models in steps. While functional, this approach often fails to capture and convey the rich emotional nuances present in human speech.

Original voice interaction processes, with separate ASR and TTS processes

Enter multimodal large language models like GPT-4o, which introduce a more seamless and integrated approach to processing speech and generating responses. By employing an end-to-end architecture, these models can directly extract emotional features from speech and combine them with textual information, enabling the AI to generate responses that are more contextually and emotionally appropriate.

The implications of this advancement for design software are profound. With multimodality, AI can engage in more natural, intuitive, and emotionally intelligent interactions with designers. Imagine a design assistant that not only understands your verbal instructions but also picks up on your tone, inflection, and even facial expressions, adapting its responses and suggestions accordingly.

End-to-end voice interaction processes powered by multimodal AI

From "Smart Assistant" to "Teammate"

In the past, AI in design software has primarily taken on the role of a "smart assistant", providing helpful information and executes tasks based on human instructions. A prime example of this is GitHub Copilot, which assists developers by generating code snippets, based on the instructions of developers.

However, the advent of multimodality in AI is paving the way for a more collaborative and proactive role: that of a "teammate." Rather than simply, passively following orders, a multimodal AI can actively participate in design discussions, offering valuable insights, suggestions, and creative solutions. It can analyze user feedback, market trends, and competitor features to inform design decisions and help shape the direction of a project.

As OpenAI cofounder John Schulman puts it, "2025 models will be more like coworkers than search engines." This shift in the nature of human-AI interaction has the potential to revolutionize the way designers work and collaborate.

Open AI cofounder John Schulman Discussing the Future of AI. Source: YouTube

Imagine a scenario where a design team is brainstorming ideas for a new mobile app. A multimodal AI copilot could actively contribute to the discussion, drawing upon its vast knowledge base to suggest innovative features, summarize user preferences, and even generate interactive prototypes in real-time. The AI becomes an equal partner in the creative process, working alongside human designers to push the boundaries of what's possible.

Of course, this transition from "smart assistant" to "teammate" is an ongoing process, and there are still challenges to overcome. AI models will need to continue improving their understanding of context, nuance, and human emotions to truly excel in a collaborative role. Additionally, designers will need to adapt to this new paradigm and learn how to effectively communicate and work alongside their AI counterparts.

Nevertheless, the potential benefits of this shift are immense. By leveraging the strengths of both human creativity and artificial intelligence, design teams can achieve new levels of innovation, efficiency, and user-centered design. The future of design lies in the seamless collaboration between human designers and AI copilots, working together to create solutions that push the boundaries of what's possible.

Creatie: Unleashing Creative Potential Through Human-AI Collaboration

Historically, AI's ability to assist designers has been limited due to the multifaceted nature of design, which combines emotional artistry with rational logic and science. While AI could provide rational design ideas, it struggled to perceive the subjective feelings of users interacting with an app. However, the emergence of GPT-4o and its multimodal capabilities has opened up new possibilities. With the ability to understand and express human emotions through speech, expressions, and actions, AI is poised to assist designers in both rational logic and emotional aesthetics in UI design.

In the world of Creatie, we’re imagining this future of AI collaboration with a special design partner - Wizzy. Agile, intelligent, and curious, Wizzy embodies our vision of AI as more than just smart software, but as a collaborative teammate that works alongside designers every day. With its keen ability to identify design trends and user pain points, Wizzy can keep designers informed and inspired, ensuring they stay at the forefront of innovation.

We imagine Wizzy as catlike - agile, intelligent, and curious

As designers, we understand that true creativity often requires breaking free from conventional thinking and exploring uncharted territory. However, the reality is that much of our time is consumed by tedious, repetitive tasks that leave little room for creative exploration. This is where AI collaborators like Wizzy can truly shine.

Imagine having a design partner who not only understands your vision, but can actively contribute to its realization. With Wizzy by your side, you can engage in fluid, natural conversations about your ideas, leveraging voice commands and gestures to communicate seamlessly. Wizzy listens attentively, offering timely insights and generating multiple design solutions in real-time, each imbued with its own unique perspective and creativity. This interactive, collaborative process allows you to let your imagination run wild, sparking ideas that push the boundaries of what's possible.

But Wizzy's potential extends beyond just design expertise. As an AI collaborator, Wizzy can pick up on subtle changes in your emotions, offering encouragement and support when you hit a creative wall. With a keen understanding of human communication and a dash of humor, Wizzy can become more than just a tool - it's a true partner invested in your success.

At Creatie, we firmly believe that the future of design lies in the seamless integration of human creativity and artificial intelligence. By embracing AI collaborators like Wizzy, designers can unlock new levels of productivity and innovation, focusing on what they do best - crafting beautiful, user-centric experiences that resonate on both a rational and emotional level.

As we step into this exciting new era of human-AI collaboration, we can't help but feel a sense of optimism and anticipation. With tools like Creatie and partners like Wizzy, designers will have the freedom to explore, experiment, and create like never before. The future of design is one where creativity knows no bounds, and we can't wait to see the incredible things that will emerge from this powerful partnership between human ingenuity and artificial intelligence.


The advent of GPT-4o and its multimodal capabilities has given us a glimpse into the bright future of human-machine collaboration. This groundbreaking technology has the potential to revolutionize not just the design industry, but countless other fields as well.

In the field of education, AI assistants can develop personalized learning plans for each student based on their characteristics, and stimulate learning interest through interactive teaching. In the medical field, AI can assist doctors in analyzing massive medical data and provide precise diagnosis and treatment advice. In the field of scientific research, AI will become a powerful assistant to scientists, helping them accelerate the pace of scientific discovery.

As we've seen in the design world, multimodal AI is transforming the way we interact with technology. No longer just a passive tool, AI is becoming an active collaborator, working alongside humans to create value and drive innovation. The relationship between humans and machines is evolving, and we're only just beginning to scratch the surface of what's possible.

At Creatie, we're excited to be at the forefront of this revolution. In the future, every designer may have a powerful AI partner like Wizzy, working with them day by day, sharing joy and a sense of accomplishment.

A brand new era of human-machine collaboration is arriving.

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