Wireframe templates
Beautiful and well-structured wireframe templates to get you started. Design smarter, move faster with Creatie's wireframe templates. Created by our wonderful community contributors and curated by the Creatie team.
What is a wireframe template?
A wireframe template is a pre-designed layout that outlines the basic structure and functionality of a website or app interface. It serves as a visual guide for arranging elements like navigation, buttons, forms, and content blocks, without focusing on sp
How do wireframe templates help in the design process?
Wireframe templates provide a starting point for designing user interfaces, helping you quickly explore and iterate on different layout ideas. They allow you to focus on the core functionality and user flow, before diving into visual design details. Wiref
What types of wireframe templates does Creatie offer?
Creatie offers a diverse library of wireframe templates for various web and mobile app projects. Our templates cover common pages and screens like home pages, landing pages, product pages, search results, login and sign up forms, user profiles, settings,
Are Creatie's wireframe templates customizable?
Yes, all of Creatie's wireframe templates are fully customizable. You can easily modify the layout, add or remove elements, and adjust the content to fit your specific project requirements. Our intuitive design tools make it simple to tailor the templates
Can I use Creatie's wireframe templates for both web and mobile app design?
Yes, Creatie offers wireframe templates for both web and mobile app interfaces. Our templates are designed to be responsive, adapting to different screen sizes and resolutions. You can use them to create wireframes for desktop websites, mobile websites, a
How do I share wireframe templates with my team?
Creatie makes it easy to share wireframe templates with your team for collaboration and feedback. You can invite team members to view, comment, and even edit your wireframes directly on Creatie platform.
Discover even more templates and resources on the Creatie community
Dive into a treasure trove of high quality templates, assets, UI Kits, and more! All created by the wonderful users of Creatie