Optimize browser settings for improved performance and user experience

If you are using the Chrome browser to access Creatie, whether viewing or editing design drafts, it is strongly recommended to optimize browser settings according to the instructions below. Doing so can ensure a more stable use of Creatie and effectively improve application performance:

  • Resolve the issue of files not being able to open.
  • Significantly improve smoothness during canvas operations and reduce lags.

It is recommended to always use the latest version of the Chrome browser.
Learn how to update Chrome

Ensure your browser has hardware acceleration mode enabled

If this pop-up appears when you open a file, it means that hardware acceleration mode is not enabled.


  1. Enter the following address in the browser's address bar and press Enter/Return: chrome://settings/system.
  2. In the system settings interface, ensure the switch for use hardware acceleration when available is turned on.
  • Note: To apply this change, you need to restart the browser. Follow the browser prompts, or manually restart the browser.


After completing these steps, try opening a file again. If the issue persists, continue reading below:

  1. Enter the following address in the browser's address bar and press Enter/Return: chrome://flags.
  2. Find the item override software rendering list and set it to Enabled.


  • Note๏ผšModifying this setting requires restarting the browser. After activating this setting, if you frequently experience screen glitches affecting normal use, revert it to Disabled and provide specific feedback on the issues encountered.

After completing these steps, try opening a file again.

Ensure the browser uses the OpenGL graphics API

If you see a prompt indicating that the current OpenGL graphics API is not being used when opening a file:


  1. Enter the following address in the browser's address bar and press chrome://flags.
  2. Find the item Choose ANGLE graphics backend and set it to OpenGL.


  • Note๏ผš Modifying this setting requires restarting the browser.

After completing these steps, the prompt should no longer appear, and performance will be improved.

Again, please remember that enabling hardware acceleration and modifying the graphics interface require restarting the browser.

Ensure the page zoom level is 100%.

If you encounter abnormal zooming of the application interface, causing interface occlusion or blurry display, check the following settings:

  1. Enter the following address in the browser's address bar and press chrome://settings/appearance.
  2. Ensure that the page zoom level is 100%,as deviations may lead to interface occlusion or blurriness.



  • The aforementioned optimization settings apply only to the Chrome browser, and it is recommended to always use the latest version of the Chrome browser.
  • If you need to use other browsers such as Edge or 360, ensure you install and use the corresponding Chrome kernel version.
  • For browsers using the Chrome kernel, the settings are similar to those in the Chrome browser. Specific methods can be found through a search engine or by contacting the official support of the browser.

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