Shape tools

You can use the Shape Tools and Pen Tool to draw the shapes you need.

Find the shape tools

The Shape tools in Creatie is in the toolbar at the top of the canvas. Click on the dropdown of the Shape tools and you can find several tools for drawing shapes:


  • Rectangle: the basic shape and probably the most used one
  • Ellipse
  • Line
  • Polygon
  • Star

Drag to create shapes

  • Hold down Shift when creating an equilateral layer or create a line along a 45° angle
  • Hold down Option / Alt to create and resize shapes from their center
  • Hold down Shift and Option / Alt at the same time to do both actions


Select the Rectangle tool from the Shape tools menu or press R to create both rectangles and squares.

Adjust corner radius

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Select the rectangle: four anchors will appear in the rectangle.

Hover your cursor over any anchor, and you can see the corner radius, with the default setting at 0.

  • Drag any point towards the center of the rectangle to make the corner rounded.
  • You can also hold down the modifier key Option/Alt and drag a single corner.


Select the Ellipse Tool from the Shape Tools menu, or press O to draw an oval or a circle.

Create semi-circles

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  1. Double-click on the circle to enter Edit Mode
  2. Click to select one of the points, then press Delete
  3. Click the Shape tools in the top toolbar, select the Pen tool (shortcut: P ), connect the two points to close the semi-circle
  4. Click the Exit Edit Mode button in the right sidebar or just press Esc to exit Edit Mode


Select the Line Tool from the Shape Tools in the top toolbar or press L to create lines in any direction in the canvas. Click on a spot in the canvas and drag in any direction to create the line.

The weight of the stroke is always at 0.


You can make any changes to its appearance in the right sidebar, including the color, opacity, weight, and add styling to the end points. You can also create dashed lines by selecting ··· icon on the far right.


The default shape for the Polygon Tool is a triangle, but you can switch between polygons by adjusting the number of angles in the right sidebar. For example, entering 6 in the angle input box can turn a triangle into a hexagon.


When you create a star layer, the default will be a five-pointed star with ten sides.

  • You can adjust the distance of the inner points of the star from the center by dragging the handle in the middle, and the percentage of the star’s diameter will be shown on the canvas.

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  • You can adjust the radius of the rounded corner of the star by dragging the handle on the top.

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  • By dragging the rightmost handle, you can change the number of star points.

You can try sliding your fingers on the touchpad when dragging the handle.

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