Connector tool

Understanding the Connectors Tool

The connectors tool, in essence, is a quick way to create connectors between different components and pages, accompanied by text caption. This allows for the visual representation of interactive logic, making the thought process in product design more visually apparent.


Advantages of the Creatie connectors tool

In the daily work of interaction designers and product managers, logic connectors are frequently used to express page logic, hierarchical jumps, and other interactive relationships. Creatie’s connectors tool not only serves to draw page logic relationships but also includes the following thoughtful design details:

1. Adding connectors to multiple layer types

When drawing interactive logic map for pages, it's not only about connecting pages but also illustrating transitions relationships,like page-to-element or element-to-element.

Creatie supports adding connectors to various layer types, including rectangles, circles, polygons, stars, images, pen paths, components/instances, frames/groups, etc.This versatility allows for a detailed representation of logical relationships, meeting diverse needs for page interactions.


2. Connectors follow layer movement

In the process of drawing interactive logical connectors, if the connectors cannot automatically follow the movement of pages, it becomes time-consuming and laborious to manually adjust connectors positions after each page movement.

Recognizing this, Creatie’s connectors tool supports automatic tracking of page/layer movement, eliminating the need for manual adjustments and making the operation more convenient.


3. Freely adjust connectors paths

Faced with complex interaction designs, if connectors paths cannot be well organized, the page may appear cluttered and chaotic, hindering the clear expression of interactive relationships.

The connectors tool in Creatie supports adjusting connectors paths by dragging the connectors handles. This feature ensures that even in complex interactive pages, the connectors can be displayed in a neat and organized manner. If you are not satisfied with the adjusted path, you can double-click on the connectors handle to restore it to its initial state.


4. Convenient addition of connectors caption

When adding explanatory caption, using a separate text creation method has a drawback: connectors and text are independent, and if the position of the connectors changes, the text needs manual adjustment to align with it, which can be inconvenient.

With Creatie's connectors tool, double-clicking on the connectors allows for direct addition of explanatory caption on the connectors. This operation is simpler and more convenient, and you can freely drag the text box while ensuring the text remains attached to the connectors.


In conclusion, the connectors tool excels in supporting the drawing of page interactive relationships, providing a more convenient user experience for interaction designers and product managers!

Understanding the advantages of the connectors tool, let's explore how to use this toolπŸ‘‡:

How to use connectors?

1. How to activate the connectors tool?

Click on the connectors button in the toolbar or use X to activate the tool.


2. How to adjust connection points?

Drag the connection points with the mouse to freely adjust the starting point of the connectors.


3.How to change the connectors path?

Drag the blue handle on the connectors with the mouse to adjust the path of the logical connectors.


4. How to modify text effects?

After editing the explanatory text of the connectors, to modify text effects, you can change font styles, colors, and other effects in the properties panel in the right sidebar.


5. How to change the effects of the connectors?

To change the effects of the connectors, you can adjust weight, endpoint shapes, and line type (solid, dashed, custom) in the properties panel in the right sidebar, similar to adjusting a regular stroke.


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