Components panel

Components panel is an area for viewing, applying, and managing components.

Open the components panel

You can access the components panel in two ways:

  1. Click on components at the top of the left sidebar, or use the shortcut keys (Mac: Option + 2 / Windows: Alt + 2 ) to open the components panel.

  2. You can also open the components panel as a pop-up window on the canvas by using M .



View components

In the Components panel, you can view components, including:

  • Local components: Components created in the current file.
  • Team library components: Components from the team library enabled in the current file.

Search for components

In the components panel, you can search for local components and team library components that have been enabled for the current file by entering their names.

Use components

In the components panel, select the desired component, drag it onto the canvas, and you can use that component.

Manage team libraries

The components panel provides functionality to manage the team libraries. You can do the following in the team library management panel:

  • Upload to team library: You can upload components created in the current file to a Team Library so that other members can use them in other files. (You can only upload components from a team file to a team library.)
  • Update and sync to team tibrary: When components and styles in a file are modified, you can update and sync the latest components and styles to the team library.
  • Enable team component library: To use a shared component library from the team library in the current file, find and enable it in the Team Library management panel.
  • Search team component libraries: Quickly search for component libraries by entering the library name in the Team Library management panel.

Learn more about team libraries

Switch component views

The Components panel offers two display modes: Grid and List. You can switch between these views based on your preference.

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