Team libraries

Styles and components live in the files where they were originally created. To share them with all team members and make them accessible, you need to publish them to the team library. However, every time you update a component or style, you must also publish those changes to the team library.

Note: Currently, only components and styles from team files can be published to the team library.

If a component or style is in a personal file, it cannot be published to the team library for team members to use. In this case, you need to move the personal file to a team project before publishing components and styles to the team library.

How to Publish to Team Library

  1. Firstly, drag the file into the team project.


  1. Then, open the file, go to the Assets panel in the left sidebar, and click the “Team library” icon in the Assets panel to open the team library management panel.


  1. In the team library management panel, click the “Publish” button to publish components and styles from the current file to the team library.


Unpublish from team library

If you want to unpublish from the team library, go to the original file of the components and styles. In the team library management panel, click “Unpublish”.

After unpublishing, components and styles from that file will no longer be available for team members to use, but it won't affect components and styles already used by other members in different files.


Use Team Library Assets

You can use the library assets that has been published to the team library of your team.

Click on team library to open the team library management panel. There, you'll find a list of available component/style libraries. Toggle the switch for the corresponding library to use it in the current file.



Publish Updates to Team Library

For components or style files already published to the team library, if you make changes in the original files, a blue dot will appear next to the team library button, indicating new content awaiting publishing.


Select “Upload updates” and optionally add a description of the updates. Team members will see this update and description.


Accept Team Library Updates

  1. If you used components or styles from a team library, when the library admins publish updates, you'll receive a notification. Go to the updates page from the banner at the top of the canvas to view detailed update information.

  2. To accept updates, click “Update all” to accept all updates. Click the "Update" button next to each update to only update the corresponding components and styles in the file.


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