
Dashboards consist of the file display area, left navigation bar, search bar, message notifications, personal settings, and import operation area.


1. File display area

Select a menu option in the left navigation bar, and the file display area will show the corresponding content.

In the file display area, you can import, create, share, rename, delete, and sort files.


File settings:

After selecting a file, you can right-click to open a file menu and perform the following settings:

  • Show in project: After selecting a specified file on the file page, clicks Show in project to automatically locate the project.
  • Open in a new tab: Opens the selected file in a new tab.
  • Copy link: Copies the link to the selected file.
  • Share: Opens a sharing popup where you can invite collaborators or share the file via a link and set sharing permissions.
  • Duplicate: Creates a copy of the file.
  • Rename: Changes the file name.
  • Delete: Moves the file to the trash (if the deleted file is a personal file, it will be temporarily stored in the trash in drafts. If the deleted file is a team file, it will be temporarily stored in the team trash).
  • Remove from Homepage: After selecting remove from homepage, the file will no longer be displayed on the file page. To reopen the file, you can find it in drafts or team projects (Personal files are in Drafts, and team files are in Team projects).

File sorting:

  • Homepage sort order: The default is last opened. You can click the drop-down arrow on the left to change the sort order to last created or file name.
  • Drafts sort order: The default sort order is Update time, and you can click the drop-down arrow on the left to change the sort order to file name or create time.
  • Shared with me: The default sort order is update time, and you can click the drop-down arrow on the left to change the sort order to file name or create time.

File views:

Choose between grid view and list view based on your reading preference.

2. Left navigation bar


The homepage contains all the personal, team, and shared files that you have created.

Drafts and trash

Drafts: Drafts contains all files that have not been in a specific team project. Files can remain in drafts permanently. You can drag and drop files directly into any team.

Trash: For personal trash, go to drafts to see the personal file trash, which displays deleted personal files. Right-click to select individual or multiple files to restore or permanently delete them.

Note: The personal trash only stores deleted personal files. If a file in a team project is deleted, it will be stored in the team trash.

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This section contains files shared with you by others.

Create team and project

Click "Create team and project" in the left navigation bar.


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