Flatten and outline stroke


When you flatten, Creatie will combine any objects or layers you selected into a vector layer.


How to Use:

  1. Right-click and select Flatten or use the shortcut:
  • Mac: Command + E
  • Windows: Ctrl + E
  1. Click the “Boolean” in the toolbar and choose "Flatten”.

To turn multiple shape layers into a single vector layer, you can first use boolean operations to combine them, and then flatten. By combining layers, you can more directly achieve the desired editing effect by subtracting unnecessary paths within the layer.


The Outline Stroke feature in Creatie helps you to transform strokes into editable vector shapes by consolidating individual paths into a single shape.

  • Mac:Option + Command + O
  • Windows:Alt + Ctrl + O

Outline Stroke

When you outline stroke, Creatie will display the real boundaries of the layer.



  1. Convert a text layer into a vector layer
  2. Combine a boolean operation layer into a vector layer

How to use:

Right-click on the layer and select "Outline Stroke" or use the shortcut:

  • Mac: Option + Command + O
  • Windows: Alt + Ctrl + O

Apply Outline Stroke to Shapes

You can use outline stroke to convert the stroke of any layer with a stroke into a vector layer with a fill.

If the layer has a fill, it will also convert the filled part into a vector layer.



Apply Outline Stroke to Boolean Operation Layers

  1. The layer's stroke will be converted into a vector layer with a fill.
  2. The Boolean operation layer will be flattened and converted into a vector layer.

Apply Outline Stroke to Text

Similar to the effect of flatten, applying outline stroke to text will turn the text layer into a vector layer but will not combine the text layer with other selected layers.


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