
Styles and components exist in the files where they were originally created. To make styles and components accessible to your collaborators, you need to publish the files as libraries.

Note: Currently, only components and styles from team files can be published to the team library.

Publish and manage libraries

Publish libraries

To publish a file as a library:

  • If the file is not a team file, drag it into a project in the team


  • Open the file, go to the left sidebar or press key M to open the resources panel, and click the Libraries icon in the top right corner to open the library management panel


  • Click the Publish button to publish the current file as a library


Update libraries

For files already published as libraries, if you make changes in the original files, a blue dot will appear next to the Libraries tab, indicating new updates awaiting publishing.


Click Publish updates and optionally add a description of the updates. Team members will see the update and description.


Unpublish libraries

If you want to unpublish a library, go to the original file and click the Unpublish button. Once unpublished, components and styles from this file will no longer be available for team members to use, but it won't affect components and styles already used in other files.


Use libraries

Enable libraries

You can use styles and components that have been published as a library.

Click the Libraries icon to open the library management panel. Toggle the switch to enable libraries you would like to use it in this file.



Accept library updates

If you applied components or styles from a library, when updates of the library are published, you'll receive a notification. Click Review to open the library management panel and view detailed update information.

  • Click the Update all button to accept all updates
  • Click the Update button next to each style or component to update the corresponding one


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